Our Perspective

Happy Pi Day From Ins(pi)red Teaching
Inspired Teaching champions inquiry and imagination through hands-on investigations that encourage students to wonder, experiment, and learn. Pi Day offers a perfect example of this approach. In that spirit, we offer resources for bringing the fascinating mysteries of Pi into your classroom.

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action: Giving Voice to the Black Village
LaTonia Smith Cokely, our Manager of Professional Development, and Mara Duquette, our Director of Program Administration, reflect on the second annual Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action in DC, implemented by Center for Inspired Teaching and Teaching for Change.

Teacher Retention in DC: Unpacking the Numbers
According to a 2018 study by the DC State Board of Education, 25% of the classrooms in America’s capital city lose their teachers to churn every year. Why do these problems seem so much greater here than in other large urban districts?

Community Engagement through Place-Based Learning
During the #EngagingSchools trip to Washington, we explored schools that truly embody the potential of place-based learning. Discover how schools in Vancouver and Tacoma intentionally embed elements of learning into partnerships with community institutions.

Developing A Student-Centered Curriculum & Meaningful Relationships
The National Alliance for Engagement Based Education’s #EngagingSchools tour continued at two uniquely inspiring schools. From a mathematics class that builds benches to a bunny who’s regularly seen roaming the halls, City Neighbors Hamilton School and Grace Episcopal Day School expanded our minds as to what school can look like.

Celebrate #FamilyLiteracyDay with Inspired Reads!
To celebrate the start to Family Literacy Month, parents on the Inspired Teaching team recommended inspired reads for you and your family!

Staff Spotlight: Mary Kadera
Mary Kadera recently joined the team as Interim Executive Director. She has more than 25 years of experience in the education field and began her career as a high school teacher.

Staff Spotlight: Brittany Jones
Brittany Jones recently joined the Inspired Teaching team full time as the Associate, Recruitment & Program Operations.

Building Strong Relationships at #EngagingSchools in NYC
The Inspired Teaching team and our partners at the Astra Center for Innovative Education traveled to New York City for the first school visits of the #EngagingSchools tour.

Inspired Teaching Abroad: Reflections on our Teacher Training in Chiang Mai
Dave Yarmchuk, Deputy Director, reflects on his visit to the Chiang Mai International School and shares about our Inspired Teaching Academy workshop there.