Inspired Teaching’s Impact

Center for Inspired Teaching has been transforming PreK-12 education through innovative, improvisation-based professional development for teachers since 1995.


Over nearly three decades, Inspired Teaching has taught more than 50,000 teachers in urban, suburban, and rural school districts across the country and around the world. We teach educators how to teach students to approach academic problems, social challenges, and other people from a place of curiosity and respect. Classrooms led by Inspired Teachers are classrooms where students and teachers thrive.

Click to learn more about Inspired Teaching’s impact in each of the below areas.

Motivated & Enthusiastic Students

Personal Fulfillment & Professional Growth for Teachers

School Connectedness & Belonging for Teachers and Students

Students Who Look Forward to Monday Mornings

How do students feel about their education when it’s rooted in the Inspired Teaching Approach? Look no further than the feedback from those who’ve experienced it!


Students find our approach more engaging than a typical class


Students say our Approach creates opportunity for respectful dialogue on complicated topics

Speak Truth helped me learn new things from people from different schools and places. It helped me learn to be more open-minded, more considerate, and more of a listener to others.” – High School Student

Personal Fulfillment & Professional Growth for Teachers

Professional development doesn’t have to be boring! Inspired Teaching’s professional development for teachers is 100% engaging — intellectually, emotionally, and physically.


Teachers find our resources and activities engaging and relevant


Teachers report learning new teaching strategies to support their students' social emotional needs


Teachers say their students are more engaged and motivated

“Inspired Teaching workshops inspire me to connect deeply with my students, and as an administrator, to connect more deeply with our instructors and TAs. It’s the magic Inspired Teaching touch that is hard to explain but tangible!” – School Leader

Inspired Teaching Around the World

Inspired Teaching Around the World
United States Canada Mexico Colombia Ukraine Turkey Australia Myanmar (Burma) Italy United Kingdom Denmark South Africa Brazil Saudi Arabia China Algeria Ghana France Spain Germany Ireland Finland Greece Romania Latvia India Indonesia Kuwait Thailand Iraq Netherlands Guatemala Sweden Norway Japan

United States

Center for Inspired Teaching is based in Washington, DC. We have worked directly with local teachers and school districts in DC, Maryland, and Virginia for nearly three decades. We also partner with schools across the country and provide digital resources and programming for educators in all 50 states.


We share our approach with educators in Canada via conference presentations and weekly Hooray For Monday resources and strategies.


Inspired Teachers in Mexico utilize our professional development resources, including Hooray For MondayPictured: Inspired Teaching's Aleta Margolis and Jaqueta Abbey with Nicole Swedlow, founder of Entreamigos in San Pancho, Mexico.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teaching is partnered with Osvitoria NGO, the leading education nonprofit in Ukraine, to provide professional development programming and resources for thousands of Ukrainian teachers. We also support in the development of criteria for principal selection, training, and evaluation; coaching educational leaders in best practices to meet students’ academic and social-emotional needs during times of crisis; and advising on the development of Ukraine’s “Distance and Blended Learning” strategy to ensure that the 1.5 million children who are learning online experience an engaging, effective education that builds a sense of belonging.


Aleta spoke at the Ashoka Changemaker Education Summit in Istanbul and led professional development workshops for  educators from over a dozen Turkish schools. Pictured: Attendees and participants, including Aleta, at the Ashoka Changemaker Education Summit


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday.

Myanmar (Burma)

Inspired Teaching was invited by Gift of Education to lead professional development for educators, focused on how to authentically engage learners in an online setting amid unrest in the country. Pictured: Aleta leads participants in an interactive exercise during the online professional development program. 


Italian educators utilize Hooray For Monday every week and access the Inspired Teaching approach via our article on the importance of engaging education with DeAgostini Scuola, an Italian publisher that reaches a network of 350,000 teachers and school leaders across Italy.

United Kingdom

As a LEGO Re-Imagine Learning Champion, Inspired Teaching led training for LEGO staff in London during the Re-imagine Learning Globalizer Summit. Teachers across the United Kingdom access our resources via Hooray For Monday. Read more about one Inspired Teacher’s experience here!


As a LEGO Re-Imagine Learning Champion of Learning Through Play, Inspired Teaching facilitated programming at the LEGO Idea Conference alongside international educators and changemakers. Pictured: Aleta (center) on stage with other honorees, discussing the importance of bringing change to education.

South Africa

Inspired Teacher Waahida Thobekile Tolbert-Mbatha founded Kgololo Academy in Johannesburg in 2015, where the Inspired Teaching Approach played a pivotal role in creating a space where students are seen, heard, loved, and included in the joyful work of teaching and learning. Pictured: Students and educators at Kgololo Academy. 


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!

Saudi Arabia

Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday and the Inspired Teaching Institute!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday.


Inspired Teachers everywhere make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources – like Hooray For Monday and the Inspired Teaching Institute!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


We attended the Ashoka Changemaker Summit in Ireland and facilitated a session on the Inspired Teaching Approach with education changemakers and leaders from around the world.


As a HundrED 2024 Global Collection selection, we participated in the HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki, and presented professional development workshops for local educators alongside Roots of Empathy and Osvitoria, for Helsinki Education Week.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers in Romania use our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources – like Hooray For Monday and the Inspired Teaching Institute! Romanian teachers participated in our Helsinki Education Week session with Osvitoria, which focused on creating authentically engaging teaching during remote learning.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Artisans at Somaiya Kala Vidya in Kutch learned to apply the Inspired Teaching approach to their work as artists and learners during a two-week workshop led by Inspired Teaching’s Judy White.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources – like Hooray For Monday and the Inspired Teaching Institute!


We led a two-day professional development workshop at Chiang Mai International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand for teachers of all grade levels, representing international schools throughout Thailand. Pictured: Participants at the Chiang Mai International School professional development workshop.


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers make use of our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources, including Hooray For Monday!


Inspired Teachers in Japan use our joyful, effective, and engaging digital professional development resources – like Hooray For Monday and our Helsinki Education Week session with Osvitoria, which focused on creating authentically engaging teaching during remote learning.

Global Impact Highlights

Inspired Teaching trained more than 1,000 teachers in Ukraine

Inspired Teaching trained English teachers in Myanmar (Burma)

ABCDE of Learner Needs Recognized Internationally

“Now I know that professional development can occur without slides and a laptop. That spoke to me in the sense that collaboration, and just having an open discussion and reflecting, and adding upon our ideas and thoughts, is more powerful. And it really was an example of what collaboration can be in the classroom.” – Elementary School Teacher

Stronger School and Classroom Communities

School Connectedness was identified by the CDC as one of the most important factors in combatting negative mental health outcomes for young people. Inspired Teaching supports teachers and school leaders in building this critical element through programming and resources that address gaps in students’ needs, empower educators during school transitions, and platform expert insights and advice.

Livestream Series: Conversations on School Connectedness

Case Study: Building School Community During Leadership Change

Award-Winning Resources: Engaging, Insightful, On-Demand Activities & Strategies

Internationally Recognized

Over nearly three decades, Inspired Teaching has seen the impact of our work in schools across the country and around the world. Our resources and programs are also consistently recognized on the international stage for their impact on the learning experience; here are a few highlights!

“The Inspired Teaching Institute activities are too delicious! Even after a long day’s work, I find myself looking within for new energies so that I can take part.” – High School Teacher

Inspired Teaching Research Briefs


Radically Reimagined Relationships: The Foundation of Engagement

This project was designed to learn about schools and school systems across the United States that are moving beyond conventional, standardized, compliance-based teaching, to create learning experiences that are student-centered and engagement-based. Through our research, we found that while these schools looked different from one another as far as location, status as public/private/charter, grade levels served, and demographics, they felt the same. This realization led to an exciting discovery: the primary element connecting these schools was a shared commitment to radically reimagined relationships between students, teachers, administrators, and families. While the schools had other elements in common, including authentic learning experiences and commitments to educational equity, we found that the commitment to strong relationships was the core element upon which all others depended. The report, which synthesizes the findings from this initiative, has exciting implications for all of us working to re-imagine education.

Download the full report here
Download the report digest here

Inspiring Improvement Toolkit

This toolkit contains resources for organizations who wish to undertake evaluation of their teacher training and professional development programs that promote teacher leadership, cultivate teachers as changemakers, and actively encourage engaging student-centered instruction.

Download here

Inquiry-Based Teaching

Inquiry-based teaching invites students to explore academic content by posing, investigating, and answering questions. This approach puts students’ questions at the center of the curriculum.

Download here

Closing the Engagement Gap: A Social Justice Imperative

This white paper both affirms the benefits of engagement-based education and confirms the reality of the current “engagement gap” in this country.

Download here

Critical Need: Replace Compliance-Based Teaching with Engagement-Based Teaching

This white paper promotes the urgent need to adopt engagement-based education in all of our nation’s schools. Most education organizations and education policymakers advocate for the need to raise “student achievement,” but too narrowly define this goal to mean only raising standardized test scores, a goal that is primarily achieved using methods that promote student compliance. Students need to be engaged for lasting, meaningful learning to occur.

Download here

Relationship-Based Discipline

Relationship-based discipline is a student-centered approach to classroom management that relies on strong, mutually respectful, personal relationships to engage cooperation in the classroom.

Download here

Investing in Teachers Through Mentoring

Teacher mentoring is an individualized form of professional development that involves a holistic approach to personal improvement. Mentoring is a key aspect of Inspired Teaching’s programs that ensures teachers are able to operationalize best practices.

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Annual Reports