Lessons and Activities

Go beyond “delivering information.”

Since our founding in 1995, Center for Inspired Teaching has taught thousands of educators how to transform their classrooms and schools — moving away from compliance toward authentic engagement — while addressing standards and meeting goals. Our lessons and activities are rooted in the Inspired Teaching Approach and designed to help educators build their practice as Inspired Teachers. Learn more about Inspired Teaching’s ready-to-use and adaptable lessons and activities below.

Center for Inspired Teaching offers the below activities and lessons at no cost to teachers, made possible by our corporate, foundational, and individual supporters.

Our Inspired2Learn collection was created as a resource for teachers to use during the upheaval of the pandemic. It has since evolved into an ever-growing library featuring dozens of FREE activities designed for easy implementation. Suitable for use in either the classroom or virtually, Inspired2Learn activities also adapt to fit time constraints, grade level, and subject area.

a colorful lightbulb with mutlicolor pencils above it, next to blue text that reads "#Inspired2Learn," which are activities and resources for parents

The award-winning Instigator of Thought Challenge is a collection of activities teachers can use to spark their own professional learning and growth, at their own pace. Challenges are searchable by theme and range from 5-minute “Snap Inspirations” to activities designed for implementation during a full class period or longer.

Learn More About Inspired Teaching

Watch the below video for more insight into Center for Inspired Teaching’s Approach, our resources for teachers and school leaders, and a peek into an Inspired Teaching Institute.

For more than a decade the Inspired Teaching Residency brought many incredible new educators to schools throughout Washington, DC. Read more about our past programming here.

Martha Graham, the mother of modern dance, spoke of “divine dissatisfaction” to describe the experience of creation and growth. As I understand it, dissatisfaction means that learning and creating are never finished, there is always more to do; and divine means there is joy in the quest for continuous improvement.

— Aleta Margolis