
February 20: 5 Ways to Build Emotional Self-Awareness

February 20: 5 Ways to Build Emotional Self-Awareness

Emotional self-awareness develops through experience, and while many of these experiences happen organically and outside of the classroom - we can intentionally create opportunities for students to have these experiences as part of our instruction. And there’s good...

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January 16: 5 Ways to Teach About Goals

January 16: 5 Ways to Teach About Goals

What is the relationship between hope and achievement? Do your students feel hopeful about how they are doing in your class or how they will do in their life in general? In this workshop, we will dive into research that shows a correlation between hope and the ability...

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Your support will help Inspired Teaching continue to provide transformative resources and programming at no cost to educators, parents, and students. Thank you. If your employer offers a company match program, please let us know via the form below! [gravityform...

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December 2: Cultivating Curiosity: Confident Self-Awareness

December 2: Cultivating Curiosity: Confident Self-Awareness

Do your students know how to put their feelings into words? Can they share their strengths, interests, values, and challenges? Do they see themselves in a positive light? Are they confident enough to speak up for themselves, and know when to ask for help? These are...

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Contact Us

Reach out to Inspired Teaching for more information on customized professional development programming for your school or school community, bringing Speak Truth to your classroom, or with any other questions you may about our resources! Please...

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Early Childhood ACBDE Teacher Leader Program

Early Childhood ACBDE Teacher Leader Program

What do all children need to be motivated to learn? Inspired Teaching’s ABCDE of Learner Needs framework provides a simple and effective way to identify these needs and grow your toolkit for meeting them.In this 3-hour Teacher Leader training, participants will learn...

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