Our Perspective

PreK – 12 Education Recommendations to Build an Engaged Citizenry
As a new administration takes office in Washington, DC, we recommend centering changes in education around the growth of Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity.

Tudor Place: Ask The Expert Interview Series
Elliott Levine, a 2019-2020 Inspired Teaching Real World History Student, interviews Bryn Cooley, Emily Rheault, and Lauren Rever of Tudor Place.

National Museum of African American History and Culture: Ask The Expert Interview Series
Amora Cambell interviews Paul Gardullo about the power of objects in the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Ford’s Theatre: Ask The Expert Interview Series
Lola Rogin interviews Jake Flack about learning from Ford’s Theatre online.

Smithsonian Center of Folklife and Cultural Heritage: Ask The Expert Interview Series
Michael Artemus interviews Dr. Sojin Kim about the impacts of Covid-19 on her curatorial work.

Speak Truth: A Year of Inviting Conversation
The 2019-2020 Speak Truth season came to end on June 18, but we’re already reflecting on how to apply the lessons learned when we start again this fall.

A Perfect Time to Speak Truth
At a time when we’re craving in-person conversations and missing the flow that body language can bring to a discussion, Inspired Teaching’s Speak Truth virtual sessions offer a beautiful antidote to all the things we’re growing fond of bemoaning about video...

Changemakers in Action: An Evening of Engagement and Celebration
Director, Program Administration Mara Duquette reports on Changemakers in Action, a celebration of the Inspired Teachers and students in our programs as changemakers in classrooms, schools, and society. We explored action research in the classroom, reviewed the power of engagement-based instruction, and heard from Real World History’s youth historians.

Inspired Teachers Emerging: A Year in the Residency Program
Inspired Teaching’s Residency Program Manager Jéri Ogden celebrates the progress of the 2018 Cohort as they complete their year of in-class training and prepare to launch their teaching careers.

Engagement-Based Education: At the End of the Road Trip
Interim Executive Director Mary Kadera describes how a series of school visits showed her that, while engagement-based education may not look similar from one school to the next, they all share a feeling of genuine, mutually respectful, radically reimagined relationships throughout the building and community.