Student as Expert

Student as Expert

Student as Expert

Student as Expert Adults trust that students have the ability, and the inclination, to solve academic and social problems, instead of assuming students need adults to solve problems for them. It means student voice and ideas are abundant in every lesson, in every...
Purpose, Persistence, and Action

Purpose, Persistence, and Action

Purpose, Persistence, and Action Students are fully engaged, intellectually, emotionally, and physically, in what they are doing. They persevere in solving problems, making discoveries along the way. They experience failure as a necessary part of the learning...
Wide-Ranging Evidence of Learning

Wide-Ranging Evidence of Learning

Wide-Ranging Evidence of Learning Multiple forms of student learning data are collected, analyzed, displayed, valued, and used to inform instruction. Students write essays, create artwork and dances, give speeches, build models, design and administer surveys, write...
Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect Everyone’s voice matters: Every student, every teacher, every parent or guardian, every school leader, every staff member, every custodian, everyone. Students’ ideas and teachers’ ideas are encouraged and appreciated as part of academic instruction....