Our Perspective

Building Engineers

Building Engineers

“How early do young engineers begin honing their design skills?” Inspired Teaching’s David Yarmchuk explores this topic, using one SCALE Teacher Leader’s kindergarten classroom as an example.

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Confronting Savage Inequalities with Joy

Confronting Savage Inequalities with Joy

“When students learn in this way, they build the skills and dispositions they need to be thriving and productive citizens in our complex and rapidly changing world. When teachers teach in this way, we bring about what Jonathan Kozol calls ‘a badly needed rebirth of jubilant vitality, healthy spontaneity, and sheer humanity back into our nation’s public schools.'” Read more from Inspired Teaching’s Aleta Margolis about the difficult – and necessary – work putting authentic, student-centered engagement at the heart of instruction.

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What is student agency?

What is student agency?

“At Inspired Teaching, we think about student agency all the time: what it means, what it looks like, how to cultivate it, and how to encourage teachers to embrace it in their classroom practice.” Read more from Inspired Teaching’s Aleta Margolis.

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Partner Feature – President Lincoln’s Cottage

Partner Feature – President Lincoln’s Cottage

“Working with students from Real World History provides us incomparable insight into how we can best relate the history of what happened here with similar issues faced by today’s youth.” Learn more about President Lincoln’s Cottage, an internship partner site for Inspired Teaching’s Real World History program.

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Reframing the purpose of school

Reframing the purpose of school

“The Inspired Teacher who focuses on the 4 I’s – Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity – does not fill students with information, but challenges students to wonder, experiment, and learn. The 4 I’s are deeply intertwined, and they mutually reinforce one another. You can see how they work together in the classrooms of Inspired Teachers across the city.” Read more from Inspired Teaching’s Aleta Margolis.

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The Lead Teacher Effect: Reaching Beyond Their Own Classrooms

The Lead Teacher Effect: Reaching Beyond Their Own Classrooms

Inspired Teaching lead teachers play an integral role in preparing Inspired Teaching Fellows to become changemakers. These leads influence not only their own students, but also the students their Fellows go on to teach. Inspired Teaching explores how that impact can be represented and measured.

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