Stories & Announcements

Practicing Curiosity | Hooray For Monday

Practicing Curiosity | Hooray For Monday

We don’t develop a curiosity practice overnight. It takes time. It takes comfort with the questions. It takes trial and error and embracing making mistakes. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share many ways to begin.

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Speak Truth 24-25 Event Registration

Speak Truth 24-25 Event Registration

Through student-led conversations, Speak Truth participants learn to productively and respectfully discuss current, controversial topics. These thought-provoking conversations teach students to defend their stances on myriad issues and help them develop and recognize...

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Make Learning Meaningful | Hooray For Monday

Make Learning Meaningful | Hooray For Monday

In this week’s Hooray For Monday, Meag speaks with Cosby Hunt about the lessons all teachers can take away from Real World History, Inspired Teaching’s credit-bearing course for high school students in Washington, DC.

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