Educator & Student Voices

5 Considerations When Striving to Make Change
Frustration, failure, and challenge are a necessary part of growth. And if you let them, they can lead you to smarter, stronger outcomes.

What does it mean to stand up right now?
Let’s listen to our students and learn.

Is it Time for a Constitutional Convention?
Speak Truth is a space where students wrestle with both current realities and future plans, tapping into the purpose, persistence, and action at the core of Inspired Teaching.

Closing the Engagement Gap: A Social Justice Imperative
Center for Inspired Teaching invites you to download “Closing the Engagement Gap: A Social Justice Imperative,” our new white paper examining how pedagogy itself is critical to educational equity, and how underserved student populations need the same student-centered approach enjoyed by their more advantaged peers. Along with presenting the research about this inequity, we offer three basic recommendations and the resources for implementing them.

Radically Reimagined Relationships: The Foundation of Engagement
Center for Inspired Teaching and the Astra Foundation are proud to present our report about the type of school environments that make engagement-based education possible. We invite you to download our findings and join the conversation.

The 5 Core Elements Series: Making an Impact With School
In our 5 Core Elements series, teacher, coach, and author Heather Wolpert-Gawron writes about Purpose, Persistence, and Action, and about how building students’ interest and confidence gives them the tools to positively impact their world.

The 5 Core Elements Series: Student as Expert
In our 5 Core Elements series, veteran teacher, author, speaker, and ed tech advocate Vicki Davis writes about the idea of Student as Expert and the importance of voice and choice in student engagement.

Seeing Our Mission With Fresh Eyes: An Intern’s Reflection
Dylan Letellier of Brown University reflects on her brief but eye-opening internship with the Residency program at Inspired Teaching. She describes learning about nonprofits, discovering alternative paths to becoming a teacher, and witnessing how classrooms can work in urban public and charter schools.

Inspired for Life: Inspired Teacher Leader Josiane Blackman
Although she’s now retired–and learning how to camp in a tent!–Inspired Teaching alum Josiane Blackman is still deeply committed to her school and to advancing more engaging teaching and learning.

Teacher Feature: Ms. Fasciano
Amanda Fasciano is a 2018 Inspired Teaching Fellow, teaching 5th and 6th graders at the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School. She shares about her mission to create more equitable education systems.