Stories & Announcements
Trusting Students with the Truth | Hooray For Monday
This week’s Hooray For Monday features a conversation between Jenna Fournel and Cosby Hunt, Real World History instructor.
I Don’t Need a Root Canal | Hooray For Monday
In this week’s Hooray For Monday, Aleta shares how a trip to the dentist inspired gratitude and reflects on Inspired Teaching’s progress.
Is Gratitude Contagious? | Hooray For Monday
In this week’s Hooray For Monday, Jenna shares a reflection on gratitude, inspired by her visit to an Inspired Teaching Fellow classroom.
Speak Truth: A Model for Student-Led Discussions: March 19
Cultivating Curiosity Across Disciplines: April 16
Wellness Check: Looking for School Connectedness: Feb. 13
Storytelling Across the Disciplines: January 23
Awesome Ways to Help Your Students | Hooray For Monday
In this week’s Hooray For Monday, Aleta shares some inspiring thoughts on awe and its critical role in the classroom.
Embrace Mistakes | Hooray For Monday
In this week’s Hooray For Monday, Jenna and PreK teacher Candace explore the 5th Rule of Inspired Teaching Improv: Embrace Mistakes.
Moving Cargo
This activity captures a young child’s interest in moving vehicles as they use their body to demonstrate transportation, practice counting, and build fine motor skills.