Teacher Lessons & Activities
A collection of ready-to-use lessons and activities from Inspired Teaching® to help foster engaging learning with students at all grade levels, in all subject areas.
We encourage you to share your experiences with these resources on social media using #Inspired2Learn!
Subject Area
Hot Takes: Listen, Learn, Respond
This activity invites participants to broaden their context about what it means to be a writer. It encourages growth through practice and self-management as ideas arise through the prompting of music.
Imaging to Music
This activity invites participants to broaden their context about what it means to be a writer. It encourages growth through practice and self-management as ideas arise through the prompting of music.
Creating a Class Constitution
This activity invites students to redefine the concept of Discipline. In this redefinition, discipline is curiosity driven by focus and self-motivation – not compliance driven by punishment.
The Art of Discipline
This activity invites students to redefine the concept of Discipline. In this redefinition, discipline is curiosity driven by focus and self-motivation – not compliance driven by punishment.
Operating Instructions
This activity invites students to consider what their own operating instructions might look like, and in reflecting on this they offer teachers a valuable guide to meeting student needs.
Moving Cargo
This activity captures a young child’s interest in moving vehicles as they use their body to demonstrate transportation, practice counting, and build fine motor skills.
3 Review Games
As students prepare for summative assessments games can be a fun and engaging way to review key concepts and help students practice showing what they know.
Word-At-A-Time Stories
Working with a partner or as a whole class students construct a narrative “one word at a time.” The challenge is to create something cohesive while depending on the creative input of each individual.
Random Walk: Movement and Learning Combined!
This activity challenges students to think about concepts collaboratively in a physical way and completely without words.
Escape Rooms
Simplified versions of these popular games can be made for the classroom to foster inquiry, teamwork, and a high level of engagement.
Making Re-Solutions
This activity encourages students to consider what problems might benefit from re-solving.
Where Are My Needs?
In this activity you will introduce students to a tool Inspired Teaching created called the ABCDE of learner needs which teachers, and students, can use to evaluate where their needs are and aren’t being met.