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2025-2026 Teaching with Improvisation Fellowship

2025-2026 Teaching with Improvisation Fellowship Application Center for Inspired Teaching invites teachers of all subjects and grade levels at Washington, DC schools to an invigorating learning experience grounded in the art of improvisation and the 5 Core Elements...

Contact Us

Reach out to Inspired Teaching for more information on customized professional development programming for your school or school community, bringing Speak Truth to your classroom, or with any other questions you may about our resources! Please...
Early Childhood ACBDE Teacher Leader Program

Early Childhood ACBDE Teacher Leader Program

What do all children need to be motivated to learn? Inspired Teaching’s ABCDE of Learner Needs framework provides a simple and effective way to identify these needs and grow your toolkit for meeting them. In this 3-hour Teacher Leader training, participants will learn...
November 4: Cultivating Curiosity: Raising Cultural Awareness

November 4: Cultivating Curiosity: Raising Cultural Awareness

November 4: Cultivating Curiosity: Raising Cultural Awareness Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Secondary Email (if applicable) Phone (Inspired Teaching will send you SMS updates on this professional development program, as well as future professional learning...
Inquiry-Based Teaching Brief

Inquiry-Based Teaching Brief

Inquiry-Based Teaching Brief Inquiry-based teaching invites students to explore academic content by posing, investigating, and answering questions. This approach puts students’ questions at the center of the curriculum. Name* First Last Email* If you work with a...
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