March 7: Thriving in Action

March 7: Thriving in Action

March 7: Thriving in Action

Join us at the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School (ITDS) for a full immersion in the unique ways they’re exploring Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity in their classrooms. Three times a year ITDS holds a learning showcase in which demonstrations of the...
Hot Takes: Listen, Learn, Respond

Hot Takes: Listen, Learn, Respond

If you try this activity with your students, we’d love to see what you do. Share your journey via the #Inspired2Learn hashtag on your preferred social platform. Created by: Brady Maiden Discipline: Applicable in all subjects as a means of teaching students how to have...
February 20: 5 Ways to Build Emotional Self-Awareness

February 20: 5 Ways to Build Emotional Self-Awareness

Emotional self-awareness develops through experience, and while many of these experiences happen organically and outside of the classroom – we can intentionally create opportunities for students to have these experiences as part of our instruction. And there’s...
February 3: Cultivating Curiosity: Emotional Self-Awareness

February 3: Cultivating Curiosity: Emotional Self-Awareness

Understanding how we are feeling and why we are feeling that way is essential to our well-being but this is something we learn, not something we automatically know. Our students come to us with many different levels of self-awareness depending on their prior...
January 16: 5 Ways to Teach About Goals

January 16: 5 Ways to Teach About Goals

What is the relationship between hope and achievement? Do your students feel hopeful about how they are doing in your class or how they will do in their life in general? In this workshop, we will dive into research that shows a correlation between hope and the ability...