The #EngagingSchools Tour Begins in NYC

September 21, 2018

In January 2018, Inspired Teaching partnered  with the Astra Center for Innovative Education to create the National Alliance for Engagement Based Education, an initiative focused on distinguishing the qualities and characteristics of outstanding engagement-based classrooms to inform best practices in the field.

After months of interviews with preK-12 educators and school leaders around the country, our team has connected with dozens of schools across 15 states and the District of Columbia (see map).

We are now excited to launch the #EngagingSchools tour, to gain a more in-depth perspective of what makes each of these schools so special. We will visit schools in person, touring the buildings, observing classes, and speaking directly with teachers and students.

The #EngagingSchools tour begins next week, in New York City. Our first stop will be to Bronx Community Charter School, an elementary school  founded on the belief that “children learn best when they are active participants in their own learning.” Next we will visit Harvest Collegiate High School, in Manhattan, which was recently featured on ABC news for their innovative admissions and instructional approaches.

We are thrilled to embark on these trips, to witness authentic engagement in action, and to elevate the voices of students and teachers. To stay up to date on our findings and to join the conversation, follow  #EngagingSchools, @InspireTeach, and @AstraInnovate.