English Language Arts
A collection of ready-to-use lessons and activities from Inspired Teaching® to help foster engaging learning with students at all grade levels, in all subject areas.
We encourage you to share your experiences with these resources on social media using #Inspired2Learn!
Subject Area
Imaging to Music
This activity invites participants to broaden their context about what it means to be a writer. It encourages growth through practice and self-management as ideas arise through the prompting of music.
Creating a Class Constitution
This activity invites students to redefine the concept of Discipline. In this redefinition, discipline is curiosity driven by focus and self-motivation – not compliance driven by punishment.
The Art of Discipline
This activity invites students to redefine the concept of Discipline. In this redefinition, discipline is curiosity driven by focus and self-motivation – not compliance driven by punishment.
Operating Instructions
This activity invites students to consider what their own operating instructions might look like, and in reflecting on this they offer teachers a valuable guide to meeting student needs.
Moving Cargo
This activity captures a young child’s interest in moving vehicles as they use their body to demonstrate transportation, practice counting, and build fine motor skills.
3 Review Games
As students prepare for summative assessments games can be a fun and engaging way to review key concepts and help students practice showing what they know.
Word-At-A-Time Stories
Working with a partner or as a whole class students construct a narrative “one word at a time.” The challenge is to create something cohesive while depending on the creative input of each individual.
Random Walk: Movement and Learning Combined!
This activity challenges students to think about concepts collaboratively in a physical way and completely without words.
Escape Rooms
Simplified versions of these popular games can be made for the classroom to foster inquiry, teamwork, and a high level of engagement.
Making Re-Solutions
This activity encourages students to consider what problems might benefit from re-solving.
Where Are My Needs?
In this activity you will introduce students to a tool Inspired Teaching created called the ABCDE of learner needs which teachers, and students, can use to evaluate where their needs are and aren’t being met.
Finding Yourself on the Line
Among the many vital things we can learn in school, one of the most valuable for our life beyond the classroom is how our own minds work and how to become more aware of our own response to the world around us.