What do we need to do to make this year better for students, teachers, and parents?
As the new school year begins, parents, teachers, and students face challenges and concerns that have been omnipresent since March of 2020. It’s difficult to apply creative thinking while operating in survival mode. But even within such constraints, we know a return to the old normal will not work. (Was it really working then?)
So, how can we make school worth it in this new reality?
Inspired Teaching has created a guide to get the year started right. The pages of this toolkit contain ideas from Inspired Teaching’s more than 26 years of work with teachers and schools. These ideas are framed in a series of articles written by Inspired Teaching Founder and President Aleta Margolis for Hooray For Monday. The resources and activities found here are designed to bolster Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity and center student needs in all instructional, curricular, and social-emotional decisions.