Euronews features Inspired Teaching in video news piece

February 19, 2016

Inspired Teaching has been featured on Euronews’ Learning World, an international program dedicated to covering education innovation across the globe.

The news program visited the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School to observe inquiry-based, student-centered instruction and to learn what’s possible when students and teachers treat one another with Mutual Respect.

One of the featured voices in the video was that of Mr. Jon Berg, a first grade teacher at the Demonstration School and a 2012 Inspired Teaching Fellow: “I felt like the Inspired Teaching School really provided me with a place where I would be able to think outside the box and teach my students in the best way that I felt they needed to be taught. When students feel that they are cared about and that they are equal and that their perspective and voice matters, it creates this security and safety that is required for students to take risks and make mistakes.”