Caitlin Wolf

Caitlin Wolf

Manager, Development

Caitlin Wolf manages Inspired Teaching’s development operations, and designs and facilitates professional development. Originally from Maine, Caitlin has a BA in European history from the University of Vermont, and an MA in religious history from Boston College, where she studied women fighting for agency in society and religion during the late Medieval/early modern period and colonial New England. Caitlin has over six years of experience engaging both youth and adult learners. She served in Peace Corps in Botswana, where she established her school’s library, created its first computer lab, and pioneered and facilitated a reading program that improved school-wide literacy. She taught life skills related to HIV/AIDS both in a classroom setting and in village health clinics. And she conceived of and supervised a team to plan and execute the region’s first girls’ leadership camp focused on self-esteem building and gender-based violence. After Peace Corps, Caitlin remained in Botswana and managed the country’s first Montessori school before returning to the US in search of an organization similarly committed to her focus on authentic engagement to create lifelong lovers of learning.

What have you been curious about lately?

How do we really know that the color I see is the same color someone else sees? Is there a way to ever really know for sure?