Join Center for Inspired Teaching in our campaign to make Curiosity the word of the year in 2025! Take the below Curiosity Challenge, share it with friends and family, and make every day a day full of curiosity.
Get Uncomfortable
Discuss a challenging topic with someone you know who views things from a different perspective. Listen to learn, not to win an argument.
You can frame the conversation with an opening statement like:
“This week I’m taking a challenge to build my curiosity and I’m hoping you’ll help me with today’s activity. Today’s prompt is to start a conversation about a challenging topic, and I’m interested in talking with you about _____. Lately, I’ve been wondering ______ and I wanted to get your thoughts on this.”
As you engage in this discussion, push yourself to listen. Ask questions.
What more can you learn about this topic and the myriad perspectives surrounding it?
This is a conversation, not a debate. Your job is to deepen your understanding, not to be right.
What does it feel like to approach a challenging topic with the sole purpose of deepening your understanding?
What happens to your own thinking in the course of the conversation?
Remember five days ago, when you sought to connect through curiosity? Today you’re taking that to the next level. May your conversation offer new ways to see another person, and maybe even the world around you.
Did You Know?
Research shows that division isn’t only bad for democracy, it’s harmful for our own well-being, as division increases stress and decreases happiness.
This article from the Greater Good Magazine offers “seven skills, which research suggests can help foster understanding, ease stress, and create a stronger sense of connection with your loved ones and community.”