What a classroom engaged in real learning looks like

What a classroom engaged in real learning looks like

What a classroom engaged in real learning looks like

April 10, 2015 (Photo: Center for Inspired Teaching) This piece – written by Aleta Margolis, Inspired Teaching’s Executive Director – was originally published in Valerie Strauss’ Answer Sheet column in the Washington Post.  A classroom designed...
Imagination is a hard skill

Imagination is a hard skill

March 30, 2015 (Photo: Sammy Magnuson/Center for Inspired Teaching) Written by Aleta Margolis, Inspired Teaching’s Founder and Executive Director, this piece first appeared in Inspired Teaching’s March 2015 newsletter. In November 2014, Inspired Teaching was...
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” – Dr. Seuss

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” – Dr. Seuss

March 26, 2015 (Photos: Jessica Hiltabidel/Center for Inspired Teaching) Today’s post was written by Jessica Hiltabidel, Inspired Teaching’s Manager of Teaching & Learning. Jessica works with the Inspired Teacher Certification Program, which selects, trains, and...
What a classroom engaged in real learning looks like

Changemaking through Empathy

March 16, 2015 (Photos: Sammy Magnuson/Center for Inspired Teaching) This piece was written by Sammy Magnuson, Inspired Teaching’s Project Manager. Recently, I listened with interest as a visitor to the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School asked a panel of the...
“Everyone a Changemaker.” What can each of us do?

“Everyone a Changemaker.” What can each of us do?

February 27, 2015 (Photo: Center for Inspired Teaching) Written by Aleta Margolis, Inspired Teaching’s Founder and Executive Director, this piece first appeared in Inspired Teaching’s February 2015 newsletter.  Yesterday, I was invited to the 2015 Ashoka U...

What makes a good teacher?

January 29, 2015 (Photo: Center for Inspired Teaching) Written by Aleta Margolis, Inspired Teaching’s founder and Executive Director, this piece was first published in Inspired Teaching’s January 2015 newsletter.  At Standing Ovation for Teachers, held...