BLISS Teacher Leaders join US Dept. of Education for conversation about ESEA reauthorization

February 9, 2015

(Photo available at Wikimedia Commons)

On February 5, the US Department of Education hosted a small discussion of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and its reauthorization. The event, designed to capture teacher viewpoints and voices, brought together teachers, Department of Education leaders, and Washington Teaching Ambassador Fellows.

Two 2014 BLISS Teacher Leaders, Jennifer Brown and Stephanie Bunton, were invited to participate in this conversation. Jennifer teaches social studies at Roosevelt STAY Senior High (DCPS); Stephanie teaches social studies at Columbia Heights Education Campus (DCPS).

BLISS: Building Literacy in the Social Studies is a powerful social studies Teacher Leader education program. A partnership between Inspired Teaching and DC Public Schools (DCPS), BLISS develops strong Professional Learning Communities by creating a cohort of Teacher Leaders who regularly meet and develop literacy-based curriculum, building the capacity of these Teacher Leaders to lead a Professional Learning Community in their sphere of influence.

Jennifer Brown and Stephanie Bunton each wrote reflections on this event, which may be found below: