April 7: Making Constructive Choices

What if you designed your instructional approach specifically to build students’ capacity to make constructive choices? What would that sound like? Look like? Feel like?

In this webinar, we will hear from Sheena Styles, a 3rd Grade Math teacher at Takoma Elementary in Washington, DC and current Teaching with Improvisation Fellow. In Ms. Style’s classroom, she is “not the answer key” and students learn from the first day how to take ownership of their own problem-solving, care for the space and materials in it, and support one another along the learning journey.

Join us for a joyful, and hopeful exploration of how Ms. Styles makes this possible by starting with a firm belief that children can do so much more than we might imagine and that letting go is how you help them to grow.

April 7: Cultivating Curiosity: Making Constructive Choices

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