Aleta Margolis and Jacqueline Smalls join inaugural DC STEM Network

March 20, 2015

Aleta Margolis, Center for Inspired Teaching’s Executive Director, and Jacqueline Smalls, Inspired Teaching’s Science Education Manager have joined the DC STEM Network, a community of local partners united in an effort to ensure transformative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning opportunities for all DC students. The DC STEM Network was co-launched this year by the Carnegie Academy for Science Education and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

dc-stem-network-logoAleta will serve on the Network’s inaugural Advisory Council, a group of community and education leaders brought together to govern the Network. Jacqueline will serve as an “anchor” for the “In School Time” working group, building on her work leading Inspired Teaching’s science education partnership with DC Public Schools, SCALE: Science Curriculum Advancement through Literacy Enhancement.

As stated by the DC STEM Network:

We all want the students in the District of Columbia to graduate with the ability to create and innovate, to have a skillset that leads them to solve our most pressing issues, and to have an understanding of STEM. The District is resource-rich in STEM programs and opportunities; however gaps in equitable access to STEM learning opportunities remain to this day. Moreover, the resources that do exist in the community are often working in isolation, without a common agenda. To address this critical issue, The Carnegie Academy for Science Education has partnered with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education to provide backbone support for the new DC STEM Network.

The DC STEM Network will launch on March 31, 2015 at a “Call to Action” to be held at Carnegie’s headquarters in DC.