Teaching with Improvisation Fellowship

Bring back the joy!

This summer, Center for Inspired Teaching invites teachers of all subjects and grade levels in Washington, DC schools to an invigorating learning experience grounded in the art of improvisation and the 5 Core Elements that lead to an engagement-rich classroom.

What will I do in this Institute?

  • Build creative teaching practices using improvisational thinking. 
  • Develop a toolkit of strategies to keep students actively engaged – intellectually, emotionally, and physically.
  • Develop leadership skills in teaching teachers through improvisational techniques. (You will learn how to provide professional learning for your home school.) 
  • Craft engaging arts and improvisation-based instructional activities adaptable to all academic content areas that focus on Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards. These will be shared citywide.
A square, spiral-bound notebook with a colorful cover that reads "Hooray for 2023" Inspiration for the Year Ahead

Location: Inspired Teaching Demonstration School, 200 Douglas St NE, Washington, DC 20002 
Perks: Joyful learning with colleagues / lunch provided daily / $250 stipend for successful course completion / Professional Learning Units from the Washington Teachers Union

This program is open to teachers in public, charter, and independent schools in Washington, DC. 


  1. Attend the in-person June 27-29 Institute.
  2. Create and implement lessons grounded in the Inspired Teaching Approach in the 2023-2024 school year.
  3. Write up lesson plans/descriptions, and collect classroom artifacts. Teachers’ lessons will be published in Inspired Teaching’s lesson plan library.
  4. Participate in a yearlong research study with Inspired Teaching on the experience of implementing this instructional approach in your classroom. 

Thank you to the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, our key funding partner for this program. View a list of our other funding partners here.